Sunday, November 28, 2010

oh you being sadistic

 i was thinking, is there anyone can truly understand others? hmmm i bet there's NONE. to be able understand others, i think you must be a fake person first cause you tried to care and listen to them but (to be frankly speaking) you all just care about YOURSELF. so stop being FAKE and shows like you care about others. c'mon, what's wrong you being selfish rather than being a fake person? I AM LIKE THAT (i mean selfish) so don't try so hard and much on me. but if you try, ok i can be fake to you. please be matured. this world is lot cruel than you can able to think of. haha. there's only some list I've approved to  get along with me. for those outside there please be aware. thank you. 

*who knows when i'm going to be fake. maybe while i'm  with you? hehe

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