Thursday, December 30, 2010

we ended here.

ok i understand with your answer and thanks with the beautiful words. i accept it and hope for the best future you'll have. the journey of our's ended here and i am very thankful for having a great friend like you to guide and help me when i am trembled. 

so all the best to you. adiós
Muchas gracias, Esperamos ver un día

*though it is very hurtful inside, but it is your choice and i obey with it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ok this post is for you.
i hope you'll read this post.
*post ni panjang kalau rajin kau baca lah. 

sekarang aku nak terus terang ah sebab aku rase dah sebulan kot berlalu sejak last raya haji hari tu kita ber-texting or bertegur sapa or skyping or facebooking or whatever - king-king lah. mungkin kau rasa biasa je or tak rasa ape pelik pun kan (menurut pendapat kau lah kan) tapi bagi aku, bagi aku  bende ni tak biasa and pelik lah sebab tiba- tiba lah kau teros mendiamkan diri and terus menyembunyikan diri dari aku sebab kita ni best friends. so as for me this is abnormal and kau tak pernah buat macam ni selama kita berkawan (pernah lah dulu,tapi atleast kau bagitau aku dulu kau nak sakit hati kan) tapi sekarang aku tak tau ah ape sebab kau jadi begini? tapi sebelum tu aku terus terang dulu lah yang sebenarnye aku memang terasa hati gile bile haritu mase raya haji kau balik kampung halaman kita tanpa bagitau aku pun. not even a single message pun. atleast ko text la kok ye pun. tell me you'll be on the bus and on the way to home. tak kisah lah kau banyak barang ke, rushing gile mane or homesick mane or rindu gile mane kau kat mak kau, tapi i would expect a text from you that you'll come back home. aku terkejut gak bile tibe-tibe danial bagitau aku yang kau akan balik harini dan on the spot aku message kau (tak ingat lah skype ke message ke or facebook ke) tapi yang penting aku tanyelah. lagi pun time tu aku dengan danial memang kat luar pun. walau se-homesick mane kau sebanyak mane barang kau, takkan bertegur or berjumpa kat busten sekejap pun tak boleh? tunjuk muke sekejap pun jadi lah. tapi ni aku rase macam kau nak lari or hiding dari aku. that's why aku terasa gile and reply your text nak taknak je. kau akan faham aku kan. 

so tu luahan aku. then lepas tu beberapa hari aku try cari kau, and nak tengok blog ko tibe "invited readers only" then post kat facebook (kononnye lah kata kau, kau hidekan post orang lain) ok lah aku ok with that. when aku skype kau, kau online, then terus off bile aku skype. banyak kali aku skype tapi kau immediately off lepas tu. ok time tu aku dah tak boleh terima. aku suruh danial skype kau gak. but then, kau pun tak layan die. ok time tu aku dah give up. then aku post lagi kt facebook kau. hmmmmm memang sakit hati lah jawapan kau. then skype kau tibe-tibe reply lagi ah lagi sakit hati aku dengan jawapan kau. ok lah aku pikir kalau kau nak mendiamkan diri or kau nak menjauhkan diri dari aku ikut lah kau. tapi aku tau there's must something is wrong, but then again you won't tell me anything or nak luahkan perasaan tak puas hati kau dengan aku. 

ok aku paham kau stress dengan exam kau and kau takut dengan result kau, but atleast talk with me. aku ni kawan kau. kawan baik kau. it's not normal when kita tak bertegur selama sebulan. apa salah aku? cakap. kau tak pernah macam ni selama ni. yes aku bagitau syuhada pasal kau because she's my best friends too. tapi bile die call kau, kau bagi jawapan "takde pape pun, aku biasa je dengan aan" (aku taknak die terlibat between us) oh itu jawapan kau. this situation now is normal with you? oh aku baru tau biasa je kau mendiamkan diri, menjauhkan diri dari aku. memang biasa. 

kau kawan baik aku. kau orang paling rapat dengan aku. everyday kite skyping, facebooking, texting. everydayyyyyy. everything aku cerite kat kau ape-ape je yang berlaku in my daily life and same as you also. ape yang aku tak puas hati, bengang, suke and ape-ape lah. so when kau macam ni, aku..., entah lah wei. there's something missing and macam empty je. tak tau nak cerite kat sape lagi. kau orang yang paling kenal aku and aku tak cerite semua bende kat semua orang except kau and syuhada. so when you're like this... hmmm what too expect more lah..

aku taknak cakap banyak, tapi memang dah banyak gile, aku just harap one day if this keeps going on, our relationship as best friends tak mungkin akan sama lagi. aku takut banyak sangat kita dah tak up-to-date on each other one day,one fine day aku akan or maybe same with you dah tak boleh cerita apa-apa lagi antara kite. susah nak catch up nanti. oh, kau akan fly (insyallah aku doakan ) tak lame lagi so aku taknak kau pergi dengan keadaan kita macam . atau ini memang kau sengaja buat sebab kau nak fly so kau pun nak jauh dari aku. maybe, who knows? tu je lah aku nak cakap. harap kau faham lah ape aku cakap. kalau taknak kawan lagi pun cakap lah eh. 

anyway, i'm sorry lah kalau aku ade buat kau sakit hati or terasa. aku tak sengaja and aku harap kau cakap bincang. bukan mendiamkan diri.  bye

*aku harap kau ubah lah fikiran lepas baca ni and contact me. (kalau nak kawan lagi)

Monday, December 13, 2010

you wouldn't never know how hurtful I am

Sunday, November 28, 2010

oh you being sadistic

 i was thinking, is there anyone can truly understand others? hmmm i bet there's NONE. to be able understand others, i think you must be a fake person first cause you tried to care and listen to them but (to be frankly speaking) you all just care about YOURSELF. so stop being FAKE and shows like you care about others. c'mon, what's wrong you being selfish rather than being a fake person? I AM LIKE THAT (i mean selfish) so don't try so hard and much on me. but if you try, ok i can be fake to you. please be matured. this world is lot cruel than you can able to think of. haha. there's only some list I've approved to  get along with me. for those outside there please be aware. thank you. 

*who knows when i'm going to be fake. maybe while i'm  with you? hehe

Saturday, November 27, 2010


hmmm.. i don't feel to write anything this week. 
nil to talk about or story.
i'm just waiting for you all posting so that i can read it. 
i'll come back soon if i have something to share about. 

*well i don't care you want to do that. do whatever you want

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm not that kind of friends.

When a friend ask for help, I have guilt in myself to help or to not. It is hard to confront when we, ourselves have our own problem, yet we're not telling the truth to this friend. At first, I was thought that I could help, but if I help, I, myself will have the problem at the end eventually. Despite, I would do anything for you if I could. But I have let you down my friend. Of course you're my friend and by not helping you when you needed the most, it will assures that you'll think that a friend when they are not there when a friend is in trouble, are not truly a friend instead, just a fun friends when you are there when we having fun and good time together, literally. Deepest in my heart, I'm very and truly sorry for what I have done. i want to ensure you that we are still be friends no matter what, it's just this time I couldn't help you. Sorry of my wrongdoing. Please aware that now I have my own problem and I'm not telling you this because of I don't want to upset you. Now you have must thinking that I'm very a bad friend. 

*you're my friend no matter what, i hope you'll read this. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

entry ini bernilai RM10

so as my last entry said that i drove a manual car to shah alam. what's my friends and i doing in shah alam that took us about an hour to arrive? we went to the i-city! you all know the i-city, right? it's just in front of the uitm shah alam. i don't know when the i-city was built but i had fun there that drove me crazy driving a manual car just to go there. eh! but before we went there we stop by at sate kajang, 'the sate haji samuri' to eat. haha. gune gps. so here some photos we took. enjoy it. so beautiful.

di sate kajang

telah tiba di i-city

oh my peacock!

is it chrismast already?

this is a picturesque  

just wanna make you annoying. haa

so went back at 3a.m. haish penat. it was great! unfortunately we came a bit late so there are some places that have already closed. we came at 1a.m. 

*nak masuk tempat ni kene bayar RM10!
*oh kite jumpe dafi AF kat sini. si hidung besar tu. haha

manual, check!

hey hey! ni nak bagitau yang sekarang aku dah boleh bawak kereta manual dengan sempurna (well tak lah sempurna sangat) tapi tuk membuktikan yang aku dah bawak manual sejauh dari bangi ke kajang selepas itu ke shah alam! tanpa mati dan naik bukit (yang mcm belajar kat driving school tu) sebanyak 3x beb! adakah itu cukup membuktikan aku pro? wahahah! well tapi aku admit lah mati sekali dekat stesen minyak. alah tak kira lah tu. haha. dari kajang ke shah alam sejauh 45 minit menempuh 3 ke 4 plaza tol and balik semula pun same tanpa mati enjin. oh aku sangat bangga. hoho. so sekarang ni jangan cakap aku tak pandai bawak manual lagi! 2-2 kereta auto atau manual aku sudah boleh bawak. tiada halangan ape-ape lagi bagi je saya kereta ape, saya mampu bawak. jikalau (cehwah) sebelum ni saya menolak untuk memandu manual secara bulat-bulat, sekarang "c'mon-c'mon!!" hahah. this is freaking awesome man! it is legen wait for it..... dary! 

*sangat menguji kesabaran aku and bergetar-getar memandu 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

there's a glance when i was thinking about doing things that are at least will be profit to me or not wasting my time just sitting in front of the desk and 'do this'. i think so many things and i would like to make it happen. it turns the other way round when i reached at my desk, turn on my laptop and all the wishes i want to do and need to be done have completely gone. vanished! i forgot about every single thing that i want to do. all i focus on is the internet, internet, internet! what a shame. feel so hopeless. oh i need some courage! i need something to boost me up. come guys! 

*this picture is soo funny lah timberlake! haha

Sunday, November 7, 2010

se-afternoon bersiar bersama marco.

kucing ini arr manyak gemok and comel. (gaya cina eh cakap)
die tak pernah kot keluar rumah. asyik duk dalam je. maklumlah duduk kat condo(mewah kucing ni)
so bile kucing dah secantik ini nak bawak keluar bersiar-siar kat taman bawah
memang kene ikat macam anjing lah takut terlepas dek lari and dikebas orang
die punye takutttttt bercalar-calar badan aku. memang seksa bawak die bersiar-siar. 
payah! tapi budak ni memang best lah. suke tengok die takut-takut. haha
macam-macam aksi ade. feel free to enjoy looking at these pictures!
kau memang paling comel lahhhhh...

time ni baru keluar lift die terus lari smpai tercabut. penat tu nak tangkap die.

ini kene paksa. sorry ade unsur-unsur ganas. (die taknak jalan..)

muke lesu..
comel kan?

penat ni nak suruh die jalan
pandai posing mamat handsome ni
bersantai lah
anak beranak
weee... gelongsor.
tercungap-cungap die. kesian
ni aku nak X-large. time ni sangat comel. kan kan?

aku rase sebab die ni gemok sangat bile sekali dapat keluar and berjalan mesti lah tercungap-cungap kan. haha

tuuu marco
suke makan rumput mamat ni

harimau nak memburu

ha! ini lah tuan si marco tuuu.. ape persamaan dorang? haha
sekarang tau kan kenape marco tu gemok. haha (kene large sikit)
nak tangkap ikan

berseronok jugak

sangat comellllll
tak tau kenape gambar ni tak boleh rotate? tapi cool! garang..
die ni degil sangat. nak lari je bile lepas.
sambil menyelam minum air lah kannn haha
penat jage die. ikat je lah. (tapi lepas jugak.)
nak try angkat semua
time ni memang sakit teramat. kuku die cengkam aku. taknak naik lift balik. huu

tak sabar menunggu pintu terbuka nak serbu ballik rumah teros.

lift dah terbuka die teros lari tunggu depan rumah nak bukak pintu.
marco marco... penat layan budak kecik ni. haish..

*gambar banyak ni. tengok-tengok lah kalau suka.