i hate people tat judge me by the way i appear!
i hate people tat said aku berkire!
and the most thing tat i hate the most n most n ever hate tat is when people talking about me behind me!
3 things above are the most i hate they do to me and said to me.
tats my principal!
i don't tolerance with people like tis..
they can be my fren and also i can be the nicest frens to them..
but once they do the 3things..
they will knw.. my perception at them will change..
n for people said aku berkire.. F**K man!
aku berkire? wat the hell!
aku bukan jenis org yg brkire! kalau aku ade duit aku ley bg jek! aku xpernah brkire..
ape yg aku wat, pe aku bg aku wat dgn ikhlas..
pastu ape korg balas? ckp aku brkire..xpndang lgsg ape aku da buat kt korg? pk kn la betul2 klo nk ckp aku brkire..
pk kn la btl2 ape aku da wat kt korg sblm ckp aku bkn2..
aku xkn brkire..klo ak xde duit xkn aku nk guk pnuh kn prmintaan korg..
aku nie bkn la ank jutawan yg ade duit brjuta2 and aku bkn la ank raja yg ade harta keturunan..
so jgn la demand n mntak bende yg mlmpau..pk2 kn la..klo aku xley nk bg pk la prasaan aku..
xkn duit hasil titik peluh mak aku nk abeh kt korg semata2..beh bek mak aku bela korg kn?
mk aku bg duit kt aku tuk aku pkai..ade batas la man...klo akblnje kt korg bia la aku ikhlas n mmpu. tp stahu aku spnjg ngn brkwn ngn kwn2 aku, aku xpnah brkire ckit pun..
plus my things is my things! it is mine man! not your's!
so dun make an order to me like the things is your's! i hate!
ade batas la beb klo nk pakai skali pun kan..
but im not going to be it..
pk la perasaan aku n jgn ckp ikut suke k..
im not try to be offensive to all my frens but im just being defensive..
sorry pada sesiapa yg terasa..harap brubah perception korg kt aku k..
you also face the problem like that. wth. don't worry so much about what other ppl think okay. cheers! =)
hahah...yala..tats y i said u r same wit me..haha..
ya ignore wat people said..
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